A B C D E F G H I K L M O P R S T U V W X Y misc
opm.package-package | The 'opm' package |
aggregated | Get aggregated data |
aggregated-method | Get aggregated data |
aggregated-methods | Get aggregated data |
aggr_settings | Get aggregated data |
aggr_settings-method | Get aggregated data |
aggr_settings-methods | Get aggregated data |
annotated | Create vector or matrix with substrate annotation |
annotated-method | Create vector or matrix with substrate annotation |
annotated-methods | Create vector or matrix with substrate annotation |
anyDuplicated | Determine duplicated plates |
anyDuplicated-method | Determine duplicated plates |
anyDuplicated-methods | Determine duplicated plates |
anyNA | Are aggregated or discretised data present? |
anyNA-method | Are aggregated or discretised data present? |
anyNA-methods | Are aggregated or discretised data present? |
as.data.frame | Create data frame |
as.data.frame-method | Create data frame |
as.data.frame-methods | Create data frame |
batch_collect | Helper functions for file input and output |
batch_opm | Batch-convert PM data |
batch_process | Helper functions for file input and output |
best_cutoff | Discretisation functions |
best_cutoff-method | Discretisation functions |
best_cutoff-methods | Discretisation functions |
boccuto_et_al | Autism cell-line example data set |
borders | Work with k-means results |
borders.Ckmeans.1d.dp | Work with k-means results |
borders.kmeans | Work with k-means results |
borders.kmeanss | Work with k-means results |
bracket-method | Select subset |
bracket-methods | Select subset |
bracket.set-method | Assign subset |
bracket.set-methods | Assign subset |
c | Combination and addition of plates |
c-method | Combination and addition of plates |
c-methods | Combination and addition of plates |
calinski | Work with k-means results |
calinski.Ckmeans.1d.dp | Work with k-means results |
calinski.kmeans | Work with k-means results |
calinski.kmeanss | Work with k-means results |
ci_plot | Plot point estimates with CIs |
ci_plot-method | Plot point estimates with CIs |
ci_plot-methods | Plot point estimates with CIs |
collect_template | Input metadata |
collect_template-method | Input metadata |
collect_template-methods | Input metadata |
contains | Determine duplicated plates |
contains-method | Determine duplicated plates |
contains-methods | Determine duplicated plates |
csv_data | Information from input CSV file |
csv_data-method | Information from input CSV file |
csv_data-methods | Information from input CSV file |
dim | Get dimensions |
dim-method | Get dimensions |
dim-methods | Get dimensions |
discrete | Discretisation functions |
discrete-method | Discretisation functions |
discrete-methods | Discretisation functions |
discretized | Get discretised data |
discretized-method | Get discretised data |
discretized-methods | Get discretised data |
disc_settings | Get discretised data |
disc_settings-method | Get discretised data |
disc_settings-methods | Get discretised data |
dollar.set-method | Assign subset |
dollar.set-methods | Assign subset |
double.bracket.set-method | Assign subset |
double.bracket.set-methods | Assign subset |
do_aggr | Aggregate kinetics using curve-parameter estimation |
do_aggr-method | Aggregate kinetics using curve-parameter estimation |
do_aggr-methods | Aggregate kinetics using curve-parameter estimation |
do_disc | Discretise curve parameters |
do_disc-method | Discretise curve parameters |
do_disc-methods | Discretise curve parameters |
duplicated | Determine duplicated plates |
duplicated-method | Determine duplicated plates |
duplicated-methods | Determine duplicated plates |
edit | Add or map metadata or edit them by hand |
edit-method | Add or map metadata or edit them by hand |
edit-methods | Add or map metadata or edit them by hand |
explode_dir | Helper functions for file input and output |
extract | Extract aggregated values and/or metadata |
extract-method | Extract aggregated values and/or metadata |
extract-methods | Extract aggregated values and/or metadata |
extract_columns | Extract aggregated values and/or metadata |
extract_columns-method | Extract aggregated values and/or metadata |
extract_columns-methods | Extract aggregated values and/or metadata |
file_pattern | Helper functions for file input and output |
find_positions | Identify substrates or positions |
find_positions-method | Identify substrates or positions |
find_positions-methods | Identify substrates or positions |
find_substrate | Identify substrates or positions |
find_substrate-method | Identify substrates or positions |
find_substrate-methods | Identify substrates or positions |
flatten | Create data frame |
flatten-method | Create data frame |
flatten-methods | Create data frame |
FOE | Virtual classes of the 'opm' package |
FOE-class | Virtual classes of the 'opm' package |
gen_iii | Plate type displayed or modified, registered or deleted |
gen_iii-method | Plate type displayed or modified, registered or deleted |
gen_iii-methods | Plate type displayed or modified, registered or deleted |
glob_to_regex | Helper functions for file input and output |
glob_to_regex.character | Helper functions for file input and output |
glob_to_regex.factor | Helper functions for file input and output |
has_aggr | Are aggregated or discretised data present? |
has_aggr-method | Are aggregated or discretised data present? |
has_aggr-methods | Are aggregated or discretised data present? |
has_disc | Are aggregated or discretised data present? |
has_disc-method | Are aggregated or discretised data present? |
has_disc-methods | Are aggregated or discretised data present? |
heat_map | Heat map |
heat_map-method | Heat map |
heat_map-methods | Heat map |
hist.Ckmeans.1d.dp | Work with k-means results |
hist.kmeans | Work with k-means results |
hist.kmeanss | Work with k-means results |
hours | Stored measurements |
hours-method | Stored measurements |
hours-methods | Stored measurements |
html_args | HTML formatting and output label generation |
include_metadata | Add or map metadata or edit them by hand |
include_metadata-method | Add or map metadata or edit them by hand |
include_metadata-methods | Add or map metadata or edit them by hand |
infix.k | Query metadata keys |
infix.k-method | Query metadata keys |
infix.k-methods | Query metadata keys |
infix.largek | Query metadata keys |
infix.largek-method | Query metadata keys |
infix.largek-methods | Query metadata keys |
infix.largeq | Query metadata |
infix.largeq-method | Query metadata |
infix.largeq-methods | Query metadata |
infix.q | Query metadata |
infix.q-method | Query metadata |
infix.q-methods | Query metadata |
kmeans | Work with k-means results |
length-method | Get dimensions |
length-methods | Get dimensions |
level_plot | Level plot |
level_plot-method | Level plot |
level_plot-methods | Level plot |
listing | Listing of well names |
listing-method | Listing of well names |
listing-methods | Listing of well names |
map_metadata | Add or map metadata or edit them by hand |
map_metadata-method | Add or map metadata or edit them by hand |
map_metadata-methods | Add or map metadata or edit them by hand |
map_values | Add or map metadata or edit them by hand |
map_values-method | Add or map metadata or edit them by hand |
map_values-methods | Add or map metadata or edit them by hand |
max | Overall or minimal maximum |
max-method | Overall or minimal maximum |
max-methods | Overall or minimal maximum |
measurements | Stored measurements |
measurements-method | Stored measurements |
measurements-methods | Stored measurements |
merge | Merge or split plates |
merge-method | Merge or split plates |
merge-methods | Merge or split plates |
metadata | Get metadata |
metadata-method | Get metadata |
metadata-methods | Get metadata |
metadata.set | Replace metadata |
metadata.set-method | Replace metadata |
metadata.set-methods | Replace metadata |
metadata<- | Replace metadata |
metadata<--method | Replace metadata |
metadata_chars | Get metadata |
metadata_chars-method | Get metadata |
metadata_chars-methods | Get metadata |
minmax | Overall or minimal maximum |
minmax-method | Overall or minimal maximum |
minmax-methods | Overall or minimal maximum |
MOPMX | Real classes of the 'opm' package |
MOPMX-class | Real classes of the 'opm' package |
oapply | Get available plates or apply function to them |
oapply-method | Get available plates or apply function to them |
oapply-methods | Get available plates or apply function to them |
OPM | Real classes of the 'opm' package |
OPM-class | Real classes of the 'opm' package |
opm.package | The 'opm' package |
OPMA | Real classes of the 'opm' package |
OPMA-class | Real classes of the 'opm' package |
OPMA_DB | Classes for 'opm' database I/O |
OPMA_DB-class | Classes for 'opm' database I/O |
OPMD | Real classes of the 'opm' package |
OPMD-class | Real classes of the 'opm' package |
OPMD_DB | Classes for 'opm' database I/O |
OPMD_DB-class | Classes for 'opm' database I/O |
OPMS | Real classes of the 'opm' package |
opms | OPMS constructor |
OPMS-class | Real classes of the 'opm' package |
OPMX | Virtual classes of the 'opm' package |
opmx | Convert user-defined objects to OPMX |
OPMX-class | Virtual classes of the 'opm' package |
opmx-method | Convert user-defined objects to OPMX |
opmx-methods | Convert user-defined objects to OPMX |
OPM_DB | Classes for 'opm' database I/O |
OPM_DB-class | Classes for 'opm' database I/O |
opm_dbcheck | Database I/O for 'opm' |
opm_dbcheck-method | Database I/O for 'opm' |
opm_dbcheck-methods | Database I/O for 'opm' |
opm_dbclass | Database I/O for 'opm' |
opm_dbclass-method | Database I/O for 'opm' |
opm_dbclass-methods | Database I/O for 'opm' |
opm_dbclear | Database I/O for 'opm' |
opm_dbclear-method | Database I/O for 'opm' |
opm_dbclear-methods | Database I/O for 'opm' |
opm_dbfind | Database I/O for 'opm' |
opm_dbfind-method | Database I/O for 'opm' |
opm_dbfind-methods | Database I/O for 'opm' |
opm_dbget | Database I/O for 'opm' |
opm_dbget-method | Database I/O for 'opm' |
opm_dbget-methods | Database I/O for 'opm' |
opm_dbnext | Database I/O for 'opm' |
opm_dbnext-method | Database I/O for 'opm' |
opm_dbnext-methods | Database I/O for 'opm' |
opm_dbput | Database I/O for 'opm' |
opm_dbput-method | Database I/O for 'opm' |
opm_dbput-methods | Database I/O for 'opm' |
opm_files | Files and colour sets used by the package |
opm_mcp | Multiple comparison of group means |
opm_mcp-method | Multiple comparison of group means |
opm_mcp-methods | Multiple comparison of group means |
OPM_MCP_OUT | Real classes of the 'opm' package |
OPM_MCP_OUT-class | Real classes of the 'opm' package |
opm_opt | Global 'opm' options |
opm_opt-method | Global 'opm' options |
opm_opt-methods | Global 'opm' options |
parallelplot | Parallel plot |
parallelplot-method | Parallel plot |
parallelplot-methods | Parallel plot |
parallel_plot | Parallel plot |
parallel_plot-method | Parallel plot |
parallel_plot-methods | Parallel plot |
param_names | Global 'opm' options |
param_names-method | Global 'opm' options |
param_names-methods | Global 'opm' options |
phylo_data | Export phylogenetic data |
phylo_data-method | Export phylogenetic data |
phylo_data-methods | Export phylogenetic data |
plates | Get available plates or apply function to them |
plates-method | Get available plates or apply function to them |
plates-methods | Get available plates or apply function to them |
plate_type | Plate type displayed or modified, registered or deleted |
plate_type-method | Plate type displayed or modified, registered or deleted |
plate_type-methods | Plate type displayed or modified, registered or deleted |
plot.kmeanss | Work with k-means results |
plus | Combination and addition of plates |
plus-method | Combination and addition of plates |
plus-methods | Combination and addition of plates |
potato | Potato cell-line growth data set |
radial_plot | Radial plot |
radial_plot-method | Radial plot |
radial_plot-methods | Radial plot |
read_opm | Read multiple PM files at once or read single PM file |
read_single_opm | Read multiple PM files at once or read single PM file |
register_plate | Plate type displayed or modified, registered or deleted |
register_plate-method | Plate type displayed or modified, registered or deleted |
register_plate-methods | Plate type displayed or modified, registered or deleted |
rep | Sort, unify, revert or repeat OPMS objects |
rep-method | Sort, unify, revert or repeat OPMS objects |
rep-methods | Sort, unify, revert or repeat OPMS objects |
rev | Sort, unify, revert or repeat OPMS objects |
rev-method | Sort, unify, revert or repeat OPMS objects |
rev-methods | Sort, unify, revert or repeat OPMS objects |
run_kmeans | Conduct k-means partitioning |
run_kmeans-method | Conduct k-means partitioning |
run_kmeans-methods | Conduct k-means partitioning |
safe_labels | HTML formatting and output label generation |
select_colors | Files and colour sets used by the package |
separate | Regularly split character vectors if possible |
separate-method | Regularly split character vectors if possible |
separate-methods | Regularly split character vectors if possible |
seq | Get dimensions |
seq-method | Get dimensions |
seq-methods | Get dimensions |
set_spline_options | Spline options |
show-method | Summarise OPMX or MOPMX objects |
show-methods | Summarise OPMX or MOPMX objects |
sort | Sort, unify, revert or repeat OPMS objects |
sort-method | Sort, unify, revert or repeat OPMS objects |
sort-methods | Sort, unify, revert or repeat OPMS objects |
split | Merge or split plates |
split-method | Merge or split plates |
split-methods | Merge or split plates |
split_files | Helper functions for file input and output |
str-method | Summarise OPMX or MOPMX objects |
str-methods | Summarise OPMX or MOPMX objects |
subset | Select a subset of the plates (or time points) |
subset-method | Select a subset of the plates (or time points) |
subset-methods | Select a subset of the plates (or time points) |
substrate_info | Provide information on substrates |
substrate_info-method | Provide information on substrates |
substrate_info-methods | Provide information on substrates |
summary | Summarise OPMX or MOPMX objects |
summary-method | Summarise OPMX or MOPMX objects |
summary-methods | Summarise OPMX or MOPMX objects |
thin_out | Select a subset of the plates (or time points) |
thin_out-method | Select a subset of the plates (or time points) |
thin_out-methods | Select a subset of the plates (or time points) |
to_kmeans | Work with k-means results |
to_kmeans.Ckmeans.1d.dp | Work with k-means results |
to_kmeans.kmeans | Work with k-means results |
to_kmeans.kmeanss | Work with k-means results |
to_metadata | Input metadata |
to_metadata-method | Input metadata |
to_metadata-methods | Input metadata |
to_yaml | Convert to YAML |
to_yaml-method | Convert to YAML |
to_yaml-methods | Convert to YAML |
unique | Sort, unify, revert or repeat OPMS objects |
unique-method | Sort, unify, revert or repeat OPMS objects |
unique-methods | Sort, unify, revert or repeat OPMS objects |
vaas_1 | Example data sets from Vaas et al. (2012) |
vaas_4 | Example data sets from Vaas et al. (2012) |
well | Stored measurements |
well-method | Stored measurements |
well-methods | Stored measurements |
wells | Listing of well names |
wells-method | Listing of well names |
wells-methods | Listing of well names |
WMD | Virtual classes of the 'opm' package |
WMD-class | Virtual classes of the 'opm' package |
WMDS | Virtual classes of the 'opm' package |
WMDS-class | Virtual classes of the 'opm' package |
WMDX | Virtual classes of the 'opm' package |
WMDX-class | Virtual classes of the 'opm' package |
XOPMX | Virtual classes of the 'opm' package |
XOPMX-class | Virtual classes of the 'opm' package |
xy_plot | X-Y plot |
xy_plot-method | X-Y plot |
xy_plot-methods | X-Y plot |
YAML_VIA_LIST | Virtual classes of the 'opm' package |
YAML_VIA_LIST-class | Virtual classes of the 'opm' package |
$<- | Assign subset |
$<--method | Assign subset |
%K% | Query metadata keys |
%k% | Query metadata keys |
%K%-method | Query metadata keys |
%k%-method | Query metadata keys |
%Q% | Query metadata |
%q% | Query metadata |
%Q%-method | Query metadata |
%q%-method | Query metadata |
+-method | Combination and addition of plates |
[ | Select subset |
[-method | Select subset |
[<- | Assign subset |
[<--method | Assign subset |
[[<- | Assign subset |
[[<--method | Assign subset |