{opm}R Documentation

Create data frame


These methods create a data frame from aggregated and discretised values in a manner distinct from extract. flatten converts into a ‘flat’ data frame, including all measurements in a single column (suitable, e.g., for lattice).


  ## S4 method for signature 'MOPMX', row.names = NULL,
    optional = FALSE, sep = "_", = TRUE, settings = TRUE,
    include = FALSE, ..., stringsAsFactors = default.stringsAsFactors()) 
  ## S4 method for signature 'OPM', row.names = NULL,
    optional = FALSE, sep = "_", = TRUE, settings = TRUE,
    include = FALSE, ..., stringsAsFactors = default.stringsAsFactors()) 
  ## S4 method for signature 'OPMA', row.names = NULL,
    optional = FALSE, sep = "_", = TRUE, settings = TRUE,
    include = FALSE, ..., stringsAsFactors = default.stringsAsFactors()) 
  ## S4 method for signature 'OPMD', row.names = NULL,
    optional = FALSE, sep = "_", = TRUE, settings = TRUE,
    include = FALSE, ..., stringsAsFactors = default.stringsAsFactors()) 
  ## S4 method for signature 'OPMS', row.names = NULL,
    optional = FALSE, sep = "_", = TRUE, settings = TRUE,
    include = FALSE, ..., stringsAsFactors = default.stringsAsFactors()) 
  ## S4 method for signature 'kegg_compound', row.names = NULL,
    optional = TRUE, ..., stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 
  ## S4 method for signature 'kegg_compounds', row.names = NULL,
    optional = TRUE, ..., stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 

  ## S4 method for signature 'MOPMX'
flatten(object, include = NULL, fixed = list(),
    factors = FALSE, ...) 
  ## S4 method for signature 'OPM'
flatten(object, include = NULL, fixed = list(),
    factors = TRUE, exact = TRUE, strict = TRUE, full = TRUE,
    numbers = FALSE, ...) 
  ## S4 method for signature 'OPMS'
flatten(object, include = NULL, fixed = list(), ...)



Object of class OPM, its child classes, or OPMS or MOPMX. If an OPMS object, for the method its elements must either all be OPM or all be OPMA or all be OPMD objects. If a MOPMX object, its elements must be conforming OPMS or either OPM, OPMA or OPMS objects.

There are methods for some of the objects created by substrate_info, too.


Optional vector for use as row names of the resulting data frame. Here, it is not recommended to try to set row names explicitly.


Logical scalar passed to the list and matrix methods of


Character scalar used as word separator in column names. Set this to NULL or an empty vector to turn off character replacement in column names.

Logical scalar indicating whether the csv_data entries that identify the plate shall be included.


Logical scalar indicating whether the aggr_settings and disc_settings entries, if available, shall be included.


Logical scalar passed to the list and matrix methods of


OPM or OPMS object (or list).


For flatten, either NULL, character vector, list or formula. If not empty, include this meta-information in the data frame, replicated in each row. Otherwise it converted to a list and passed to metadata. See there for details.

For, if empty or FALSE, ignored. If TRUE, all metadata are included using to_metadata. If otherwise and non-empty, metadata selected using extract_columns are included.


NULL or list. If not NULL, include these items in the data frame, replicated in each row.


Logical scalar. See the stringsAsFactors argument of data.frame and from the base package.


Logical scalar. Passed to metadata.


Logical scalar. Passed to metadata.


Logical scalar. Replace well coordinates by full names?


Logical scalar. Use numbers instead of well names? This is not recommended for must usages.


Optional other arguments passed to wells, or from the OPMS to the OPM method, or to the list and matrix methods of


The methods for OPMX objects are mainly intended to produce objects that can easily be written to CSV files, for instance using write.table from the utils package. There are no opm methods other than batch_opm (which can write such files) that make use of the created kind of objects. In particular, they cannot be input again into opm.

The following entries are contained in the generated data frame:

The limits of using CSV as output format already show up in this list, and in general we recommend to generate YAML or JSON output instead.

For the methods of the other classes, see substrate_info.

In the data frame returned by flatten, column names are unchecked (not converted to variable names). The three last columns are coding for time, well and value, with the exact spelling of the column names given by param_names.

The OPMS method yields an additional column for the plate, the exact spelling of its name also being available via param_names. This column contains the position of each plate within object.

The MOPMX method yields a another additional column for the plate type. There is currently no safeguard against having several OPMX objects of the same plate type within a MOPMX object.


The methods create a data frame with one row for each combination of well and plate.

The flatten methods create a data frame with one row for each combination of time point, well and plate.

See Also

utils::write.table stats::reshape pkgutils::flatten

Other conversion-functions: extract, extract_columns, merge, oapply, opmx, plates, rep, rev, sort, split, to_yaml, unique


## OPMD method of
summary(x <-
##                                                               File   
##  ./E. coli DSM 30083T_vim10_7B__1_28_PMX_0_8#30#2010_F_ 7B_5.csv:96  
##    Plate_Type Position                 Setup_Time      Well   
##  Gen III:96    7-B:96   8/30/2010 1:53:08 PM:96   A01    : 1  
##                                                   A02    : 1  
##                                                   A03    : 1  
##                                                   A04    : 1  
##                                                   A05    : 1  
##                                                   A06    : 1  
##                                                   (Other):90  
##        mu              lambda              A               AUC       
##  Min.   :  1.287   Min.   :-18.834   Min.   : 50.72   Min.   : 3923  
##  1st Qu.:  5.912   1st Qu.:  2.005   1st Qu.:186.12   1st Qu.:12229  
##  Median : 15.978   Median :  4.810   Median :277.15   Median :20969  
##  Mean   : 20.263   Mean   :  5.935   Mean   :236.63   Mean   :18203  
##  3rd Qu.: 21.442   3rd Qu.:  7.547   3rd Qu.:293.50   3rd Qu.:23268  
##  Max.   :153.069   Max.   : 58.959   Max.   :356.72   Max.   :32335  
##   mu_CI95_low     lambda_CI95_low      A_CI95_low      AUC_CI95_low  
##  Min.   :-43.14   Min.   :-40.1574   Min.   : 51.42   Min.   : 3886  
##  1st Qu.:  2.94   1st Qu.: -8.7412   1st Qu.:185.53   1st Qu.:12113  
##  Median :  8.88   Median : -2.6709   Median :276.99   Median :20828  
##  Mean   : 10.92   Mean   : -6.7823   Mean   :236.41   Mean   :18061  
##  3rd Qu.: 16.27   3rd Qu.: -0.4249   3rd Qu.:293.14   3rd Qu.:23091  
##  Max.   : 93.21   Max.   : 23.7262   Max.   :355.86   Max.   :32125  
##   mu_CI95_high     lambda_CI95_high   A_CI95_high     AUC_CI95_high  
##  Min.   :  9.637   Min.   :  2.674   Min.   : 54.37   Min.   : 3941  
##  1st Qu.: 14.818   1st Qu.:  8.675   1st Qu.:188.50   1st Qu.:12290  
##  Median : 22.493   Median : 15.366   Median :278.62   Median :21028  
##  Mean   : 36.812   Mean   : 32.963   Mean   :238.40   Mean   :18273  
##  3rd Qu.: 47.074   3rd Qu.: 51.628   3rd Qu.:294.75   3rd Qu.:23347  
##  Max.   :245.128   Max.   :119.078   Max.   :357.18   Max.   :32436  
##  Aggr_software Aggr_version Aggr_method Discretized     Disc_software
##  opm:96        0.1-0:96     grofit:96   Mode :logical   opm:96       
##                                         FALSE:16                     
##                                         TRUE :62                     
##                                         NA's :18                     
##  Disc_version Disc_method
##  0.7-0:96     kmeans:96  
stopifnot(, nrow(x) == 96)

## OPMS method of
summary(x <-[, , 1:10]))
##                                                                    File   
##  ./E. coli DSM 18039_vim10_12B__1_28_PMX_0_8#30#2010_E_12B_5.csv     :10  
##  ./E. coli DSM 30083T_vim10_7B__1_28_PMX_0_8#30#2010_F_ 7B_5.csv     :10  
##  ./P. aeruginosa DSM 1707_vim10_17B__1_28_PMX_0_8#30#2010_D_17B_5.csv:10  
##  ./P. aeruginosa St. 429_vim10_22B__1_28_PMX_0_8#30#2010_C_22B_5.csv :10  
##    Plate_Type Position                  Setup_Time      Well   
##  Gen III:40   12-B:10   8/30/2010 1:19:11 PM :10   A01    : 4  
##                7-B:10   8/30/2010 1:53:08 PM :10   A02    : 4  
##               17-B:10   8/30/2010 12:31:46 PM:10   A03    : 4  
##               22-B:10   8/30/2010 11:28:54 AM:10   A04    : 4  
##                                                    A05    : 4  
##                                                    A06    : 4  
##                                                    (Other):16  
##        mu              lambda                A               AUC       
##  Min.   : 0.1307   Min.   :-107.9099   Min.   : 22.37   Min.   : 1888  
##  1st Qu.: 1.3441   1st Qu.: -12.2332   1st Qu.: 32.88   1st Qu.: 2351  
##  Median : 3.6118   Median :  -0.9945   Median : 55.80   Median : 4721  
##  Mean   : 7.3197   Mean   : -11.0518   Mean   :110.73   Mean   : 8396  
##  3rd Qu.: 7.3213   3rd Qu.:   1.9040   3rd Qu.:164.78   3rd Qu.:11873  
##  Max.   :52.2623   Max.   :  27.0147   Max.   :331.92   Max.   :28651  
##   mu_CI95_low       lambda_CI95_low     A_CI95_low      AUC_CI95_low  
##  Min.   :-57.6867   Min.   :-35.770   Min.   : 22.78   Min.   : 1852  
##  1st Qu.: -1.2904   1st Qu.:-22.161   1st Qu.: 29.67   1st Qu.: 2314  
##  Median :  0.7860   Median : -8.521   Median : 55.31   Median : 4678  
##  Mean   : -0.9155   Mean   :-10.686   Mean   :110.40   Mean   : 8324  
##  3rd Qu.:  4.9110   3rd Qu.: -1.257   3rd Qu.:165.34   3rd Qu.:11763  
##  Max.   : 40.1572   Max.   : 18.215   Max.   :331.78   Max.   :28387  
##   mu_CI95_high     lambda_CI95_high   A_CI95_high     AUC_CI95_high  
##  Min.   :  9.628   Min.   :  2.674   Min.   : 25.86   Min.   : 1910  
##  1st Qu.: 11.560   1st Qu.: 35.142   1st Qu.: 39.40   1st Qu.: 2378  
##  Median : 15.892   Median : 75.167   Median : 59.26   Median : 4743  
##  Mean   : 29.953   Mean   : 65.580   Mean   :114.14   Mean   : 8432  
##  3rd Qu.: 34.949   3rd Qu.: 90.713   3rd Qu.:167.48   3rd Qu.:11928  
##  Max.   :127.385   Max.   :132.751   Max.   :332.76   Max.   :28793  
##  Aggr_software Aggr_version Aggr_method Discretized     Disc_software
##  opm:40        0.1-0:40     grofit:40   Mode :logical   opm:40       
##                                         FALSE:26                     
##                                         TRUE :8                      
##                                         NA's :6                      
##  Disc_version Disc_method
##  0.7-0:40     kmeans:40  
stopifnot(, nrow(x) == 10 * 4)

## OPM method of flatten()
# distinct numbers of columns due to distinct selection settings
head(x <- flatten(vaas_1))
##   Time                   Well Value
## 1 0.00 A01 (Negative Control)    40
## 2 0.25 A01 (Negative Control)    40
## 3 0.50 A01 (Negative Control)    32
## 4 0.75 A01 (Negative Control)    34
## 5 1.00 A01 (Negative Control)    35
## 6 1.25 A01 (Negative Control)    35
stopifnot(, identical(dim(x), c(36864L, 3L)))
head(x <- flatten(vaas_1, fixed = "TEST", include = "Strain"))
##   metadata(object, include, exact = exact, strict = strict) "TEST" Time
## 1                                                 DSM30083T   TEST 0.00
## 2                                                 DSM30083T   TEST 0.25
## 3                                                 DSM30083T   TEST 0.50
## 4                                                 DSM30083T   TEST 0.75
## 5                                                 DSM30083T   TEST 1.00
## 6                                                 DSM30083T   TEST 1.25
##                     Well Value
## 1 A01 (Negative Control)    40
## 2 A01 (Negative Control)    40
## 3 A01 (Negative Control)    32
## 4 A01 (Negative Control)    34
## 5 A01 (Negative Control)    35
## 6 A01 (Negative Control)    35
stopifnot(, identical(dim(x), c(36864L, 5L)))

## OPMS method of flatten()
# distinct numbers of columns due to distinct selection settings
head(x <- flatten(vaas_4[, , 1:10]))
##     Plate Time                   Well Value
## 1 Plate 1 0.00 A01 (Negative Control)    35
## 2 Plate 1 0.25 A01 (Negative Control)    32
## 3 Plate 1 0.50 A01 (Negative Control)    30
## 4 Plate 1 0.75 A01 (Negative Control)    35
## 5 Plate 1 1.00 A01 (Negative Control)    33
## 6 Plate 1 1.25 A01 (Negative Control)    32
stopifnot(, identical(dim(x), c(15360L, 4L)))
head(x <- flatten(vaas_4[, , 1:10], fixed = "TEST", include = ~ Strain))
##   metadata(object, include, exact = exact, strict = strict)   Plate "TEST"
## 1                                                  DSM18039 Plate 1   TEST
## 2                                                  DSM18039 Plate 1   TEST
## 3                                                  DSM18039 Plate 1   TEST
## 4                                                  DSM18039 Plate 1   TEST
## 5                                                  DSM18039 Plate 1   TEST
## 6                                                  DSM18039 Plate 1   TEST
##   Time                   Well Value
## 1 0.00 A01 (Negative Control)    35
## 2 0.25 A01 (Negative Control)    32
## 3 0.50 A01 (Negative Control)    30
## 4 0.75 A01 (Negative Control)    35
## 5 1.00 A01 (Negative Control)    33
## 6 1.25 A01 (Negative Control)    32
stopifnot(, identical(dim(x), c(15360L, 6L)))

[Package opm version 1.3.63 Index]