potato {opm}R Documentation

Potato cell-line growth data set


Example data set for analysing growth curves with opm containing manually entered fresh-mass and dry-mass measurements over time from three distinct potato (Solanum tuberosum) cell lines under several stress treatments.


Data frame with 540 rows and six columns. The columns are:


Factor containing the names of the cell lines. See Vaas et al. (2013) for further details.


Factor describing the three applied stress conditions. There is also one level for the control.


Integer vector with the number of the replicate. There are five replicates per combination of ‘Genotype’ and ‘Treatment’.


Integer vector containing the measurement times in days.


Integer vector containing the fresh-mass measurements in milligramme.


Integer vector containing the dry-mass measurements in milligramme.


How to convert and analyse this data set is explained in the vignette on working with growth curves in opm.


Vaas, L. A. I., Marheine, M., Sikorski, J., Goeker, M., Schumacher, H.-M. 2013 Impacts of pr-10a overexpression at the molecular and the phenotypic level. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 14: 15141–15166.

El-Banna, A., Hajirezaei, M. R., Wissing, J., Ali, Z., Vaas, L., Heine-Dobbernack, E., Jacobsen, H.-J., Schumacher, H.-M., Kiesecker, H. 2010 Over-expression of PR-10a leads to increased salt and osmotic tolerance in potato cell cultures. Journal of Biotechnology 150: 277–287.

Sandford, S. A. 1995. Apples and Oranges – A Comparison. Annals of Improbable Research 1 (3).


# This yields a variable 'potato' containing the data.
##   Genotype  Treatment Replicate Time  FM DM
## 1  07-08-1 0.16M NaCl         1    2 597 44
## 2  07-08-1 0.16M NaCl         2    2 550 40
## 3  07-08-1 0.16M NaCl         3    2 633 48
## 4  07-08-1 0.16M NaCl         4    2 490 31
## 5  07-08-1 0.16M NaCl         5    2 617 47
## 6  07-08-1 0.16M NaCl         1    4 585 55

[Package opm version 1.3.63 Index]