level_plot {opm}R Documentation

Level plot


Level plot for OPM and OPMS objects using the function from the lattice package.


  ## S4 method for signature 'MOPMX'
level_plot(x, ...) 
  ## S4 method for signature 'OPM'
level_plot(x, main = list(),
    colors = opm_opt("color.borders"), panel.headers = FALSE, cex = NULL,
    strip.fmt = list(), striptext.fmt = list(), legend.sep = " ",
    space = "Lab", bias = 0.5, num.colors = 200L, ...) 
  ## S4 method for signature 'OPMS'
level_plot(x, main = list(),
    colors = opm_opt("color.borders"), panel.headers = TRUE, cex = NULL,
    strip.fmt = list(), striptext.fmt = list(), legend.sep = " ",
    space = "Lab", bias = 0.5, num.colors = 200L, ...) 



OPM, OPMS or MOPMX object.


The settings controlling the construction of the main title. Works like the main argument of xy_plot.


Character vector indicating the colours (at least two).


NULL, logical scalar, expression or character vector. NULL and FALSE turn panel headers off. TRUE causes the panel headers to be constructed from the plate numbers or those metadata that were included by flatten (see there). Character vectors and expressions are directly used for the text within these panel headers. Currently ignored by the OPM method.


Numeric scalar. Magnification of axis annotation. If NULL, automatically adapted to the number of wells (at least a good guess is made).


List controlling the format of the description strip above each panel. For instance, the background colour is set using the bg key. For further details, see strip.custom from the lattice package. strip.fmt is ignored if panel.headers is FALSE and currently always ignored by the OPM method.


List controlling the format of the text within the strip above each panel. See xy_plot for details, which has an argument of the same name.


Character scalar. This works like the eponymous argument to flatten (see there); it is ignored unless metadata are chosen for constructing the panel headers.


Character scalar passed to colorRampPalette from the grDevices package. These and the following arguments are for fine-tuning the colour palette used for plotting.


Numeric scalar also passed to colorRampPalette.


Numeric scalar passed to the function returned by colorRampPalette.


Arguments that are passed between the methods or to flatten.


An object of class ‘trellis’ or a list if such objects. See levelplot from the lattice package for details.


Jacobsen, J. S., Joyner, D. C., Borglin, S. E., Hazen, T. C., Arkin, A. P. et al. 2007 Visualization of growth curve data from phenotype microarray experiments. 11th International Conference on Information Visualization (IV07). Zuerich, Switzerland, July 4-6 2007. Published by the IEEE Computer Society.

Sarkar, D. 2008 Lattice: Multivariate Data Visualization with R. New York: Springer, 265 p.

Vaas, L. A. I., Sikorski, J., Michael, V., Goeker, M., Klenk H.-P. 2012 Visualization and curve parameter estimation strategies for efficient exploration of Phenotype Microarray kinetics. PLoS ONE 7, e34846.

See Also

lattice::levelplot grDevices::colorRampPalette

Other plotting-functions: ci_plot, heat_map, parallel_plot, parallelplot, radial_plot, summary, xy_plot


# OPM method
level_plot(vaas_1, main = "Levelplot example")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

# OPMS method
## Not run: 
##D # headers include species and strain
##D level_plot(vaas_4, include = c("Species", "Strain"))
## End(Not run)

[Package opm version 1.3.63 Index]