pkgutils.package-package | The 'pkgutils' package |
assert | Make assertions |
by | Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects |
by-method | Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects |
c-method | Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects |
case | Modified switch function |
case.character | Modified switch function |
case.double | Modified switch function |
case.integer | Modified switch function |
check | Query an object with another object |
check-method | Query an object with another object |
check-methods | Query an object with another object |
check_examples | Repair and check Rd files |
check_examples.Rd | Repair and check Rd files |
check_keywords | Repair and check Rd files |
check_keywords.character | Repair and check Rd files |
check_keywords.logical | Repair and check Rd files |
check_keywords.NULL | Repair and check Rd files |
check_keywords.Rd | Repair and check Rd files |
check_R_code | Check R (or Sweave) code files |
check_R_code.character | Check R (or Sweave) code files |
check_Sweave_start | Check R (or Sweave) code files |
check_Sweave_start.character | Check R (or Sweave) code files |
clean_filenames | Map files or file names |
clean_filenames.character | Map files or file names |
collect | Collect information |
collect.list | Collect information |
collect.matrix | Collect information |
contains | Query an object with another object |
contains-method | Query an object with another object |
contains-methods | Query an object with another object |
copy_pkg_files | Run 'R CMD' |
copy_pkg_files.character | Run 'R CMD' |
DBTABLES-class | 'DBTABLES' class |
DBTABLES-methods | Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects |
delete_o_files | Run 'R CMD' |
delete_o_files.character | Run 'R CMD' |
fkeys | Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects |
fkeys-method | Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects |
fkeys_valid | Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects |
fkeys_valid-method | Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects |
flatten | Nicer message listings and flattening or expansion of objects |
flatten-method | Nicer message listings and flattening or expansion of objects |
flatten-methods | Nicer message listings and flattening or expansion of objects |
head | Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects |
head-method | Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects |
is_pkg_dir | List or modify package (description) files |
is_pkg_dir.character | List or modify package (description) files |
L | Assert a length |
length-method | Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects |
listing | Nicer message listings and flattening or expansion of objects |
listing-method | Nicer message listings and flattening or expansion of objects |
listing-methods | Nicer message listings and flattening or expansion of objects |
listwd | Change or list working directories |
listwd.NULL | Change or list working directories |
listwd.numeric | Change or list working directories |
LL | Assert a length |
logfile | Check R (or Sweave) code files |
logfile.character | Check R (or Sweave) code files |
logfile.NULL | Check R (or Sweave) code files |
map_filenames | Map files or file names |
map_filenames.character | Map files or file names |
map_files | Map files or file names |
map_files.character | Map files or file names |
map_names | Map values or names |
map_names-method | Map values or names |
map_names-methods | Map values or names |
map_values | Map values or names |
map_values-method | Map values or names |
map_values-methods | Map values or names |
match_parts | Partial matches |
max_rgb_contrast | Paper size for PDF files |
max_rgb_contrast.default | Paper size for PDF files |
must | Convert warnings to errors |
mypdf | Paper size for PDF files |
mypdf.character | Paper size for PDF files |
pack_desc | List or modify package (description) files |
pack_desc.character | List or modify package (description) files |
paper_size | Paper size for PDF files |
paper_size.character | Paper size for PDF files |
paper_size.numeric | Paper size for PDF files |
pkeys | Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects |
pkeys-method | Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects |
pkeys_valid | Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects |
pkeys_valid-method | Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects |
pkgutils | The 'pkgutils' package |
pkgutils.package | The 'pkgutils' package |
pkg_files | List or modify package (description) files |
pkg_files.character | List or modify package (description) files |
repair_docu | Repair and check Rd files |
repair_docu.character | Repair and check Rd files |
repair_docu.Rd | Repair and check Rd files |
repair_S4_docu | Repair S4 documentation in Rd files |
repair_S4_docu.character | Repair S4 documentation in Rd files |
run_ruby | Run a Ruby script |
run_ruby.character | Run a Ruby script |
run_ruby.NULL | Run a Ruby script |
run_ruby.numeric | Run a Ruby script |
run_R_CMD | Run 'R CMD' |
run_R_CMD.character | Run 'R CMD' |
sections | Create sections |
sections.character | Create sections |
sections.logical | Create sections |
set | Assign values only when needed |
show-method | Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects |
sort | Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects |
sort-method | Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects |
split | Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects |
split-method | Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects |
sql | Create SQL 'SELECT' and 'UPDATE' statements | | Create SQL 'SELECT' and 'UPDATE' statements |
sql.formula | Create SQL 'SELECT' and 'UPDATE' statements |
summary | Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects |
summary-method | Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects |
swap_code | Preprocess R files |
swap_code.character | Preprocess R files |
swd | Change or list working directories |
swd.character | Change or list working directories |
swd.NULL | Change or list working directories |
swd.numeric | Change or list working directories |
tail | Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects |
tail-method | Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects |
unnest | Nicer message listings and flattening or expansion of objects |
unnest-method | Nicer message listings and flattening or expansion of objects |
unnest-methods | Nicer message listings and flattening or expansion of objects |
update | Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects |
update-method | Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects |
xyplot.docu | Example 'Rd' data set: 'xyplot' documentation |