Utilities for Creating R Packages

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Documentation for package ‘pkgutils’ version 0.7.63

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pkgutils.package-package The 'pkgutils' package

-- A --

assert Make assertions

-- B --

by Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects
by-method Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects

-- C --

c-method Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects
case Modified switch function
case.character Modified switch function
case.double Modified switch function
case.integer Modified switch function
check Query an object with another object
check-method Query an object with another object
check-methods Query an object with another object
check_examples Repair and check Rd files
check_examples.Rd Repair and check Rd files
check_keywords Repair and check Rd files
check_keywords.character Repair and check Rd files
check_keywords.logical Repair and check Rd files
check_keywords.NULL Repair and check Rd files
check_keywords.Rd Repair and check Rd files
check_R_code Check R (or Sweave) code files
check_R_code.character Check R (or Sweave) code files
check_Sweave_start Check R (or Sweave) code files
check_Sweave_start.character Check R (or Sweave) code files
clean_filenames Map files or file names
clean_filenames.character Map files or file names
collect Collect information
collect.list Collect information
collect.matrix Collect information
contains Query an object with another object
contains-method Query an object with another object
contains-methods Query an object with another object
copy_pkg_files Run 'R CMD'
copy_pkg_files.character Run 'R CMD'

-- D --

DBTABLES-methods Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects
delete_o_files Run 'R CMD'
delete_o_files.character Run 'R CMD'

-- F --

fkeys Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects
fkeys-method Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects
fkeys_valid Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects
fkeys_valid-method Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects
flatten Nicer message listings and flattening or expansion of objects
flatten-method Nicer message listings and flattening or expansion of objects
flatten-methods Nicer message listings and flattening or expansion of objects

-- H --

head Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects
head-method Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects

-- I --

is_pkg_dir List or modify package (description) files
is_pkg_dir.character List or modify package (description) files

-- L --

L Assert a length
length-method Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects
listing Nicer message listings and flattening or expansion of objects
listing-method Nicer message listings and flattening or expansion of objects
listing-methods Nicer message listings and flattening or expansion of objects
listwd Change or list working directories
listwd.NULL Change or list working directories
listwd.numeric Change or list working directories
LL Assert a length
logfile Check R (or Sweave) code files
logfile.character Check R (or Sweave) code files
logfile.NULL Check R (or Sweave) code files

-- M --

map_filenames Map files or file names
map_filenames.character Map files or file names
map_files Map files or file names
map_files.character Map files or file names
map_names Map values or names
map_names-method Map values or names
map_names-methods Map values or names
map_values Map values or names
map_values-method Map values or names
map_values-methods Map values or names
match_parts Partial matches
max_rgb_contrast Paper size for PDF files
max_rgb_contrast.default Paper size for PDF files
must Convert warnings to errors
mypdf Paper size for PDF files
mypdf.character Paper size for PDF files

-- P --

pack_desc List or modify package (description) files
pack_desc.character List or modify package (description) files
paper_size Paper size for PDF files
paper_size.character Paper size for PDF files
paper_size.numeric Paper size for PDF files
pkeys Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects
pkeys-method Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects
pkeys_valid Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects
pkeys_valid-method Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects
pkgutils The 'pkgutils' package
pkgutils.package The 'pkgutils' package
pkg_files List or modify package (description) files
pkg_files.character List or modify package (description) files

-- R --

repair_docu Repair and check Rd files
repair_docu.character Repair and check Rd files
repair_docu.Rd Repair and check Rd files
repair_S4_docu Repair S4 documentation in Rd files
repair_S4_docu.character Repair S4 documentation in Rd files
run_ruby Run a Ruby script
run_ruby.character Run a Ruby script
run_ruby.NULL Run a Ruby script
run_ruby.numeric Run a Ruby script
run_R_CMD Run 'R CMD'
run_R_CMD.character Run 'R CMD'

-- S --

sections Create sections
sections.character Create sections
sections.logical Create sections
set Assign values only when needed
show-method Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects
sort Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects
sort-method Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects
split Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects
split-method Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects
sql Create SQL 'SELECT' and 'UPDATE' statements
sql.data.frame Create SQL 'SELECT' and 'UPDATE' statements
sql.formula Create SQL 'SELECT' and 'UPDATE' statements
summary Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects
summary-method Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects
swap_code Preprocess R files
swap_code.character Preprocess R files
swd Change or list working directories
swd.character Change or list working directories
swd.NULL Change or list working directories
swd.numeric Change or list working directories

-- T --

tail Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects
tail-method Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects

-- U --

unnest Nicer message listings and flattening or expansion of objects
unnest-method Nicer message listings and flattening or expansion of objects
unnest-methods Nicer message listings and flattening or expansion of objects
update Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects
update-method Methods for 'DBTABLES' objects

-- X --

xyplot.docu Example 'Rd' data set: 'xyplot' documentation